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Friday, March 5, 2010

California Dreams

California Dreams is a show of America which was started during the year 1992 and continued to air until 1996. California Dreams used to be aired on morning of each Saturday. The writers were Ronald B. Solomon and Brett Drewey. The executive producer of the program was Peter Engel, who was a well known producer. As a matter of fact California Dreams relates to the multi racial cluster of youth and their group. The plot of the show was a combination of crazy quests and the issues of day to day life.
California Dreams covers a lot of topics including falling for swindles, letting gluttony go beyond companionship, pardoning others for long-ago mistakes etc. and also to deal with the various social issues of the youth. If we go back to the history and intention of the creator of the show – California Dreams, we see that it was basically created as a family show and it was focused on the Garrison family. If we look into the first season of the show, we see that focal persons of the show were a young son and head of the group – Matt Garrison and singer of the group was younger sister of Matt – Jenny Garrison. Other family members of the Garrison were also there. Richard – dad, Melody – mom and Dennis – the youngest son were also present on the scene. The other characters that remained till end of the show included Tiffani Smith – bass player, Tony Wicks – Drummer and Sly Winkle – Manager of the group. The management of the NBC was not in favor of the unique format of the show. However, the central point of the show switched over from the family of Garrison to the youth in the second season. This youth, later on established the band – California Dreams.
California Dreams
California Dreams

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