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Friday, April 16, 2010

Adobe Flash Player 10 Download Now Available – Adobe updates

In light of the recent news that YouTube requires you to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, we thought that we would take a closer look at what new features there is in the latest update. If you do not download the upgrade, then you will not be able to view any videos from YouTube.
The latest version of Adobes software is Flash Player 10, but we know that they are working on 10.1, which you can find out more from Adobe Labs. The current version needed for YouTube will give you a much faster and smoother experience.
Do not tell Steve Jobs this, but most of us still love to use Adobe’s Flash Player as it offers an unprecedented creative control. Most of the new features will not matter to the everyday user who just wants to watch videos or play Farmville.
Some of the new features include:
  • Allowing you to extend rich web applications to mobile devices
  • Custom filters and effects unleash creativity
  • Print-quality publishing comes to the web
  • Web experiences come to life with 3D effects
These are just a few of the updates, for more details and to download to the latest version of the Flash Player, visit Adobe
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