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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Boston Marathon 2010 Race Expo (and PICTURES)

So yesterday I got up nice and early at 0800.  Maybe for some people that’s early (aka all my friends) BUT for me (and likely lots of you who read my blog) that’s a most excellent sleep-in.
Due to worries about my shin I’ve decided to nix any “shake-out” runs this weekend.  It majorly sucks to not have a 3-5 miler to look forward to in helping me focus in on the race but hey, I’m going to do what it takes to get me, not only to the starting line, but the finish line as well.  And with the left shin being cranky lately it’s probably just as well.
Before I go into the RACE EXPO on Saturday I want to say thanks for the comments, both “go for the freaking 3:29:59″ and the “enjoy the experience because you’ve worked so hard” ones.  I haven’t written off a PR or anything like that but I’m just trying to be realistic and accept that “que sera sera”.  Who knows maybe I’ll have the race of my life, maybe I’ll crash and burn.  At this point I honestly think it could go either way and it’s comforting to know that you guys have my back :)
Now onto this sucker:
Like I said I got up at 0800 Saturday morning and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast as I didn’t have a workout to complete or rush around to get in before leaving.  Around 0930 (after dragging this girlie outta bed)

I told her to smile and this is what I got. Guess she wasn't awake yet

We got to the expo via the T which was the easiest thing to do.  For those of you who aren’t from Boston the T = subway = easiest way to get around.  Plus I hate driving in general so a drive into the city? Pretty basically hell on earth.  So we arrived stress-free (well almost as I though I lost la hermana at the T stop!) and ready to go.

Yay! There were so.many.people. Obviously I know that Boston has a huge field but man! Not only do I hate driving but I hate crowds.  Secretly though I was hoping that all the people would make me pumped for the race because I haven’t been feeling nervous or excited. Like I mentioned yesterday, this is normal for me but I still wanted to feel that butterfly feeling that others have been talking about.  Instead the sight of all the people was practically panic attack inducing. Especially considering my last marathon (Providence 09) was a teeny tiny race compared to this beast.  That expo was in a hotel lobby.  With about 6 sponsors and 3 vendors.  Way small.
But it was still way cool to see all the people and such.  It was funny on the T because most of the people were heading to the expo and there was a sense of camaraderie even though it was mildly stressful. I picked up my number and race bag and t-shirt
Doubles as my check-in bag for race day
With these goodies inside, plus a bunch of those annoying coupon/ads
Official program, spectator guide, water, medal and rice. Yes rice.
You'll just have to wait until post-race day (or go online) to see what this baby looks like.
Ditto about waiting ’til post-race to see my actual jacket.  The only reason I opened that packet is because I needed to make sure the size I ordered was correct.
and then hit up the massive expo.
I didn’t take many (read: any) pictures of the expo booths.  Nothing really exciting. Standard stuff.  Although I will say that I didn’t think there was enough FREE STUFF.  Major bummer.  I did walk away with some loot though.  And basically anything that was free I took huge quantities of.
Fooooood.  AKA: 4 (well 5 but I ate one) Odwalla Berries GoMega bars, 4 (lucky number duh) of the following Tea2Gos: Green Tea Pomegranate, Ice Tea Natural Lemon, Lemonade, Passionfruit, Cranberry Pomegranate, Fruit Punch, and Wild Berry Pomegranate, Planters Cranberry Almond Peanut Bar, Everlast Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch and Everlast E-Drenaline energy shot
So enough to look impressive but given the size of the expo I was disappointed that there wasn’t more. And maybe there was and it was just hiding from me.
There was also some pain management stuff
Topricin creme which is supposed to be anti-inflammatory and help with healing.  Not too sure about it but the guy was really enthusiastic and didn’t object when I loaded my bag full of them.  I plan on using them on my shin.  Anything to help right? And pain relief patches which I plan on using in the week post-marathon.
Children’s Hospital also had a booth and I stocked up.  I’m in love with Children’s, I interned there over the summer and went there for my shin.  I was bummed that I missed the doctor who looked at my shin’s lecture but there were many other lectures on the medicine of running.  Way cool.
Children's loot, en español también
So that’s the stuff I walked away with.  And I didn’t spend a DIME on other stuff.  It helped that I had $1.34 in my wallet and no credit/debit card.  Seriously.
But my sister and I managed to have fun without spending money.  Yay. So here’s a picture medley from that
Yay I win!
Yeah, some friends of mine.
No big deal or anything
And we also found some really inspiration stuff.  Which I had hoped would feed into a sense of excitement and it sort of did.  But I’m going to have to accept that I’m a get-butterflies-on-race-day gal.
Below this guy was a wall where people signed good luck / inspirational / funny messages to other runners. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the whole wall buttttt people don’t pay attention to where they’re walking and I kept getting head shots.  (Actually I kept getting head shots all day.  Or rather my sis did (my camera beyotch). It’s miraculous she got as many as she did!)
Here's what I wrote to my fellow runners :)
My sister wrote one for me.  I’m not going to post the pic I took of it as it has my bib number on it and I don’t want that to be circulated (don’t know who’s reading this aka crazies) but it said “# You run this hard. Good Luck!”.  And too think that I complain about my sibs all the time! Another writer wrote “Whoop Whoop!” For whatever reason I found this funny and laughed and laughed and laughed.  Guess I’m weird.
All in all we weren’t really at the expo for all that long.  Sadly I didn’t get to see anyone that I “knew” although I did keep my eyes peeled.  And since I wasn’t in the mood to spend any money we did a few laps on the convention center and then left.  I did take a picture of myself with the race course in the background but my sis wanted me to hold up my race number so I’m not going to post the picture.  I will say that it’s my favorite one.  So if I know you (aka I’m comfortable to email and text with you and you want to see it then email me :) ) But all-in-all a great day.
[EDIT: So upon the advice of Laura, who told me to photo edit scribble out the number, I realized I could just cut the lower half of me out.  So it's basically a head shot haha]
Kind of small but you can click to enlarge
Especially a great day since when we got home we hit up the gym for a half-hour of easy cycling to shake out my legs (for me and it really was easy.  I think I only hit 7 or 8 miles) and a half hour of running (for her).  And even nicer was that we went to the gym I work at so it was all free.  Yay.  After our cardio we did an abs circuit.  It felt really great to be able to spend so much time with her today.  As much as the day was about me and Boston it felt fantastic to be with her.  I don’t get to do that often being away at school and when I lived full-time at home my relations were very contentious with la familia.
Holy Word Count Batman! But before I wrap this up (and I thank you for sticking with me in this) I also got a massage today.  Which made me miss the RW forumites dinner.  Oops.  But I think that my shin will thank me because my massage therapist (who is a good friend) really worked my shin real good.  Like I needed it.  She did other stuff with my legs but my shin reallyreallyreally needed this.  So I apologize to the RW peeps!! I didn’t get out of the massage until 1900 and after showering it was almost 2000! But I think some stuff might go down today? *FingersCrossed*
So before I get the hook from you (is that image appropriate for a blog?!) I’ll just leave you with this picture as I don’t know what my plans are for the day.  Obviously rest, ice and massage.  As well as putting together the race day outfit, affixing my chip & bib and packing stuff for race day.  Exciting stuff no?But the next time you’ll hear from me is post-race. Eeeeeeek.
And I’ll say hope you guys are having a great weekend :)

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