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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

campus gossip is a website for bored college kids to rate pics

To be back in college again....
why? Because there is a website called :
The website is like mean girl for the internet. People post photos and they can rate them. I looked up my college and it was in there, kind of funny because it is a 'Free Methodist School' (I am British Protestant, I went there because it was a small school) .
Now if someone saw photos of students (there are none on the site fyi) from my old college (I graduated in 2004) the kids would get suspended. No joke. Let me put it to you this way, if you were at a party, holding a drink, whatever it was, and someone from your school saw you and didn't like you, could report you to the dean. The dean will suspend you.
Now funny thing is, why isn't that other student suspended?? What were they doing at that party.
I never got suspended but I think some of the rules were stupid. I was forced to pray during hall meetings.... and while I do believe in prayer, I don't believe in being forced. And the RA would would tell me if I didn't pray in public, I would get fined $15 bucks...
I never got fined, I simply said "Well, I don't pray in public" and that is true.
Okay going back to campusgossip. So if you are bored of studying, or bored of the rules at your college :: ahem S.A.U. :: then check it out.
Luckily students who attend my old uni, their pictures are not up there... I even looked "University of Michigan" and they are not there.
I am not a big fan of the website because I don't need to see half naked peeps...
here is the link:
Of course as gossip goes, I could say that I had the strangest roommates, one liked to wax her feet, another didn't shave at all, in fact she introduced herself "hi, My name is ***** and I don't shave" and the other one wasn't strange, well she was, she would talk all hours of the night not respecting my sleep.....
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