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Friday, April 16, 2010

Horatio Sanz Loses Weight

LOS ANGELES ( Horatio Sanz has joined the bandwagon of celebrities who keep on doing something or the other to their bodies in a bid to look good and better. Of late, the comedian, famous for his one man shows and comic timing that has made him a hit among the young and old alike mostly for his performance in “Saturday Night Live”, has been spotted looking far better, and slimmer. In fact, the change in his looks has rendered him
endered him almost unrecognizable, and it cannot be denied that he is indeed looking a lot better.
However, many of the critics are also of the opinion that the change in look, although it might have achieved the point of making him look far better, might affect his career negatively. For so far, Horatio Sanz has been known as the funny fat man on “Saturday Night Live”, and a sudden and drastic departure might culminate in him losing a whole lot of popularity. In fact, some critics are of the opinion that he might not be getting as many offers as he gets right now with this sudden makeover, as it might hurt his image as the funnyman.
However, keeping all the negative criticisms aside, it cannot be denied that the change in Horatio Sanz has been for the better, with the fact that he has lost almost a hundred pounds, quite an achievement considering that he was somewhere on the other side of the 300 pound mark. Moreover, he had not gone for some crazy crash diet or surgery, and had instead chosen to eat and exercise the right way.
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