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Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Am Legend has its drummer in Jang Shin-young

Divorced-woman-turns-rock-star drama I Am Legend has secured Kim Sun-ah in the lead role as a woman who rediscovers her talent for music and becomes the lead singer of a band. Now Jang Shin-young, the 28-year-old actress of drama Winter Bird and the upcoming movie The Outlaw, will join her as the band’s manager and drummer.
The group is described as a collection of ajummas — but one look at either Kim Sun-ah or Jang Shin-young proves that we’re not dealing with typical ajummas here. The focus of the drama will be on showing how the members use music as their outlet for dealing with their personal pains and grow as people. The band is called “Jeon-seol’s Band,” which, like the drama’s title, can be read as wordplay to also mean “Legendary Band.” (It’s not clear whether that’s the band’s actual name or if it’s just a nickname at this point.)
Jang Shin-young has reportedly always had an interest in playing the drums and already possesses drumming skills. The drama will take over from Prosecutor Princess on SBS, and will premiere in June.
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