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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jason Mayhem Miller Starts Brawl with Jake Shields at Strikeforce Nashville

Jason Mayhem Miller wasn’t fighting on the card at Strikeforce Nashville Saturday night but he still managed to make himself part of the action. Following the main event fight between Jake Shields and Dan Henderson, Mayhem stepped into the postfight interview on CBS to solicit a rematch with Shields (Shields beat Mayhem in November). Miller may have been playing around but Shields’ friends in the ring took it seriously and a brawl ensued. Watch Gus Johnson and CBS lose their minds over this Jason Mayhem Miller brawl incited at Strikeforce in Nashville that was brought to my attention by Michael David Smith at Fanhouse:

Miller may have been messing around but the guy throwing punches and kicks in the left corner of the video clearly wasn’t. MMA already gets a bad name for the violent nature of the sport so this is the last problem it needed on a night where they’re on a major network like CBS. My guess is with their ratings not doing much better than Spike TV, these sorts of incidents will make other networks further reluctant to televise the sport. At least Aoki didn’t break anyone’s arm in the ring this time; he was too busy getting dominated by Gilbert Melendez.
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