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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sri Lanka cricket team attacked

Two gunmen are seen on television footage during an attack on a Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore, Pakistan. Seven players, an umpire and a coach were wounded. A bus driver following the team's transport was killed, as well as six officers guarding the convoy. None of the attackers -- who  left behind machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and backpacks in order to flee -- were killed or captured at the scene.

Two gunmen are seen on television footage during an attack on a Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore, Pakistan. Seven players, an umpire and a coach were wounded. A bus driver following the team's transport was killed, as well as six officers guarding the convoy. None of the attackers -- who left behind machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and backpacks in order to flee -- were killed or captured at the scene.

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