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Monday, April 19, 2010, Support Tharoor Pledge Your Support for Shashi Tharoor

Latest Updates Supporttharoor, Supporttharoor.Org, Support Tharoor.Org, Support Shashi Tharoor, Tharoor: It seems that there is no end to the troubles that the Congress is facing with its junior External Affairs Minister Shashi Tharoor. What with the IPL drama still going on, Shashi Tharoor has now been blamed of not being able to read thepulse of the Indian polity. While the minister himself has been trying to promote his Support Tharoor campaign, the government seems less interested.

Recently in one of the parliamentary sittings of the Rajya Sabha, when Shashi Tharoor read out the papers listed against his name, there were smiles and sniggers from all corners of the room. Reportedly, the Minister’s English was so accented that those present, including some of the Congress family faced difficulty understanding what he read out. Do they supportShashi Tharoor? We don’t think so! There is hardly any doubt about the fact that Shashi Tharoor ’s career in international politics has been a prosperous one but from the very beginning of his career in the Indian political circleShashi Tharoor has messed it up.

Shashi Tharoor may have introduced the Twitter to Indian politics, but his tweets too did not support Tharoor when he finally called it quits yesterday, resigning from his position in the ministry. Even before the Kochi IPL controversy attacked him from all around,Shashi Tharoor was busy courting trouble through his Tweets on India’s visa rules and the Congress’ austerity drives. Shashi Tharoor may have waited for an opportunity to speak to the Indian Prime Minister to convince him of his stand in the country’s political structure and in the IPL. Receiving no support from anywhere,Shashi Tharoor has taken the decision to exit government.
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