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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ViaGuara goes to the USA

Warsaw (Puls Biznesu) – The alcohol distributor has just registered its US company.
ViaGuara listed on the New Connect which sells ViaGuara vodka based on Brasilian guarana plant, has just registered its US company in Los Angeles. Miroslaw Wierzbowski who so far has been ViaGuara chairman of the supervisory board, is the CEO of the subsidiary.
“We hope that the US market will become our main market”, Krzysztof Okonski, ViaGuara deputy CEO said.

In July, the company issued shares of G series and raised PLN 3m (EUR 845,300).
“These funds will be spent to build new distribution channels, marketing, launching the US company and new products”, Krzysztof Okonski enumerated.
In the previous issue, the company had raised PLN 1.9m. These funds have already been spent.
(PLN 1 =  EUR 0.282)

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