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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

American Idol 2010 – Idol Gives Back Elimination Night

Highlights of Idol Gives Back
  • The Top 12 Perform “Keeping the Dream Alive” – I’ll give them a pass on a night for Charity! It was semi-less cheesy.
  • The Footage they are showing from the poor areas of the country and the rest of the world definitely were driving the message home. I hate to put them as a HIGHLIGHT as they were very sad and moving. But I think you guys get what I mean. Very effective.
  • The Ford Music Video – definitely upped the budget on those crazy effects!
  • Joss Stone and Jeff Beck with the Jubilation Choir perform “I Put a Spell on You” – Really can’t go wrong with this combo. Great guitar, great vocals. But still don’t understand the song choices so far tonight (see Black Eyed Peas in the lowlights). I have a feeling Carrie is going to sing one of her songs that heavily delivers a message from her latest album. I’m already dreading it, but I like her so much she’ll obviously make the highlights!
  • Morgan Freeman did the hula-hoop!

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