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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Honduras vs. Venezuela – 8 pm

Tonight is the World Cup Soccer Friendly game between Venezuela and Honduras.
Prior to tonight’s match in the Olympic Stadium in San Pedro Sula, a huge party will take place with music, prizes and a pep rally for the Honduras International Soccer Team. Over 35 thousand fans are expected, and prizes will be given as people arrive.
The same strict security will be in place as was used for the qualifying matches.

6:45 PM

The show starts with the group “Ritmo y Sabor” who will dance and sing and get the crowd riled up.
6:50 PM
Various artists, among which are Guillermo Anderson and The Bohemians of Reggaeton.
6:55 PM
The country singer Roney Mejia will perform the song, “Our friendship” as a symbol of the unity of the people of Honduras to support the National Team in this important event in world soccer.
6:57 PM
The auxiliary bishop of the diocese of San Pedro Sula, Monsignor Romulo Emiliani, will bless the National Team and all the fans who fill the giant stadium in San Pedro Sula.
6:59 PM
The president of the fellowship of evangelical pastors in Honduras, Alberto Solorzano, will say a prayer dedicated to unity and hope for the Honduran people, and the Honduran players in the World Cup.
7:03 PM
Official entrance of the Seleccion Team coach, Reinaldo Rueda, and the chairman of the National Congress, Juan Orlando Hernandez.
7:05 PM
President Porfirio Lobo Sosa, will address the crowd with words of thanks, and deliver the national flag to the captain of the national team, Amado Guevara.
7:07 PM
Guevara will receive the National Flag and address the audience with a message of gratitude and a commitment to make a good show for Honduras in the South Africa World Cup 2010.
7:10 PM
The formal ceremony will close with the singing of the song “My Country” (Mi Pais) by Guillermo Anderson, which is known by all players and fans.
7:15 PM
The selection will start warming up before the game against the Venezuelans. This will be the last game for Honduras on Honduran soil before the adventure in South Africa.
8:00 PM
Game Time!
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