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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Megan Kelly Howard Stern | Megyn Kelly Howard Stern | Howard Stern Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly has been on a media blitz this week, appearing in Variety and sitting down for interviews with Howard Stern and the ladies of “The View.”She is an upcoming star and Fox News anchor.  Fox recently launched her own show, “America Live,” on the network after co-hosting “America’s Newsroom” with Bill Hemmer.
Stern presented Kelly with Fox News’ three biggest names: Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity.She’s been making her way through the media this week, including sitting with Howard Stern on his radio show. She lowered herself to sit with Howard Stern!  Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to Howard Stern? When a woman sits down with Howard Stern, he makes her look like a whore. All it takes is one minute with Howard Stern to turn a lady into a whore.
Kelly played the old game, “Marry, F*ck, Kill” on Stern’s Siriux XM Radio Show. Who didn’t know that was coming? It’s a wonder he didn’t try to get her to strip down for him. Stern gave her three names and she had to say which one she’d have sex with, which one she would marry and which one she would kill.
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