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Sunday, March 7, 2010

The 82nd annual Academy Awards (hour two)

Poster art courtesy The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences
They only managed to announce four of 24 Academy Awards categories in the Oscar telecast's first hour. So the second hour felt rushed and frenzied, as multiple awards were announced in swift fashion (including the animated, documentary and live-action shorts, which were back-to-back-to-back).
A few award winners were cut off during their acceptance speeches, which was good. (Especially since "Music by Prudence" filmmakers Roger Ross Williams and Elinor Burkett looked confused and both began to ramble while accepting the Best Documentary Short award.)
Also, Ben Stiller's appearance in "Avatar"-style makeup (as one of that film's Na'vi characters) could have been the worst moment in what was already turning into a dull, stuffy affair.
And for those who are keeping track of such things, 10 more Oscar categories were announced in the second hour. (Governor's awards, given out the previous night to actress Lauren Bacall and filmmaker Roger Corman, were briefly mentioned as well.)
The current running tally ... predictions made: 10; correct guesses: 6.
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