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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Remake Rumored

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is an aggressively underrated little gem, one of those great, live-action, Disney family comedies which have basically vanished in the face of the new millennium. These movies weren’t always horrible travesties like Tooth Fairy, for a time Disney seemed to put almost as much effort into them as they did their animated films. Now both have fallen into disrepair. If nothing else Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is proof that the world deserved a lot more Rick Moranis than it got. Which is why it’s such a horrible idea to remake it.

But remake it we must, because remakes and retreads are really all we have anymore. A site called What Is Playing claims that’s exactly what’s happening. They get their information one of the crew members who worked on the 1989 original. 1989? It’s hard to believe it’s been that long.

Their source, who could be anything from a disgruntled caterer to a director with an axe to grind, claims it’s definitely not a sequel because “Mr. Moranis has retired.” That’s true, Rick is pretty disinterested in Hollywood these days. He hasn’t showed up in a movie since the mid-90s, though he does provide a voice in Disney’s ignored 2003 animated movie Brother Bear. If you’ve heard him interviewed recently, you’ve heard a guy who so doesn’t care about the entertainment industry. Honey, I Shrunk The Kids reboot? Forget it, they’ll have a hard time even getting him to show up for Ghostbusters 3.

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