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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Rockhopper Tracker March 2010 Cheats Update

Here we are on the Rockhopper Tracker March 2010. For those who are looking for the Club Penguin cheats, check out the Rockhopper Tracker March 2010. It’s time for the Pirate Rockhopper on Club Penguin. We will be giving you guys the cheats on the Rockhopper Tracker March 2010. See below for the details. This is such a buzz in the internet as of now. Watch the video showing the instructions on the Rockhopper Tracker March 2010.

Rockhopper Tracker March 2010 Cheats Update
This tracker shows you if Rockhopper is online, as well as his location.
In case the Rockhopper Tracker March 2010 is not working, here is what you need to do.
# Refresh to see if the Tracker has Updated (Most Effective)
# Check out Servers with 4 or 5 bars
# Ask other Penguins where Rockhopper is
# Check the comments to see if someone has found him. If you found him, leave your comment, too
# Search for him with the users of our chat below!

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